Yesterday I finished up the video for another one of the songs that may or may not be on my upcoming EP (I’m not making any promises) and thought I’d give a bit of background to the song. If you haven’t yet, have a listen below.
This is a song I wrote last September on a Thursday evening, the day before we left on our annual young adults retreat. The retreat was called ‘noise – hearing God’ and two of the pastors from our church, Steve and Sid were speaking and I was leading worship. We wanted the weekend to be fun, but also restful and a chance for people to refocus so we decided to keep things really simple – I lead worship by myself just with an acoustic guitar. When I sat down on Thursday I just wanted to try to write something and thought there was really no way I’d have anything ready for the weekend. 20 minutes later, this song had come out. It’s VERY simple and basically was my prayer for the weekend with a big cry in the chorus to remind myself that it’s all about God and his Glory. I intentionality kept everything really simple and singable because it just felt good, and we ended up doing it three or four times over the weekend. We’ve since included it regularly in our worship sets at church at 6 and I find it works really well as a song to sing right before the message – admitting to God that we’re all distractable and forgetful, but asking that He would help us focus and that the Spirit would work in our hearts and minds to help us better understand and respond to the truths of God.
It’s funny, I know from a songwriting perspective it’s not the best song in many ways. That being said, it’s always resonated with me, and I think with others who have sung it. I may still add a second chorus or some kind of outro/bridge thing, but I really want to keep the raw feeling and honesty of the song. I hope you enjoy it – and as always feel free to share it with others and check out the ongoing progress of my indiegogo campaign to raise some money for the upcoming EP. If anyone would like a chord chart, just let me know and I’d be glad to send it along!
Cut through the noise that wanders into my life
Give me the mind to ponder the depth of your love
Remind me of what it cost You to bury my shame
Show me the Spirit’s moving in my heart again
Hallelujah, God be praised, God be praised
Hallelujah, Amazing Grace has come to save
I was wondering if you could send me the chords to this song as well. It’s such a great song, in all its simplicity. Thanks!
Hey could you email the chords? Thanks… Good job on the song. I song it when I feel overwhelmed with the going ons of the world.