by dsiverns | Mar 16, 2009 | Music
The first single… and probably most debated song on the disc to date, just because it was everyone’s first impression of U2’s new stuff. I’ve heard from people that they love it, that they hate it, and that they’re not sure about it....
by dsiverns | Mar 14, 2009 | Music
This is a great song. Lyrically, musically, I just love it. Musically, I think the intro does a great job of both exciting you and letting you know what’s coming in the song. The moment when the drums and acoustic come in gets me every time – THAT’S...
by dsiverns | Mar 12, 2009 | Music
At 7:24, this is the longest track on the disc, but I’m not holding that against it. For me, this isn’t one of the highlights of the album, but it does have one line that has stuck with me better than most from most other songs. I guess that’s a good...
by dsiverns | Mar 11, 2009 | Music
The more I listen to this track, the more I think that it could be their next single… or one of the better singles off of this disc. The intro doesn’t really lend itself to radio, but then again, neither did Stairway to Heaven. Intro’s can always be...
by dsiverns | Mar 10, 2009 | Music
Where to start? I think it’s a great opening track, both musically and lyrically. Most bands throw their title track in the middle of their CD (or steal a line from a song from the middle of the disc), but U2 hasn’t gone that route. The music great. It...